Saturday, October 5, 2013

blurb edition || ten things

Guys. I can't even begin to explain how sorry I am. And you know how much I hate starting posts with an apology but I can't help it. I promise that I haven't abandoned this blog. Midterms are stretched out for the next two weeks starting from the coming Sunday to next, next Monday, so there's been a lot of library-loving, hair-pulling, and stress-inducing moments. Needless to say, the blog hasn't exactly been my number one priority.

But. Don't worry. You guys are always there, sometimes wedged somewhere in the back of my mind, but there, regardless.

The point of this post is to count my blessings from the past few weeks. I know I talked about in my last post about how exhausting school was, but there's been plenty of things to be smile and contemplate about. What good things can you possibly find from school, you ask. Ha. Well, what good could possibly come from Nazareth? Go ask Nathanael. (Sorry. I'm tired. Ever since school started, this girl has been going to bed at eleven sharp and that's definitely not been happening the past week.) In honor of October, I shall list ten things I am grateful for. Lessgo.

01 My commute. Yes I suppose this is an odd thing to be thankful for. When people find out where I'm commuting from, they usually give me a look of sympathy. Given a good morning, I can make it to school via train in approximately 30-35 minutes. And yes, I will admit it is highly draining to have to travel to and fro each day, but the ride to school each morning has given me plenty of alone time to sort through my thoughts and have conversations with God. Watching the world whiz by at eighty miles per hour gets the gears turning in your head. Try it some time.

02 Smooth transition. Considering the fact that I was homeschooled basically all my life, going to college should have been my "[pop] culture shock," but honestly, there's been nothing new to be shocked about. I guess that says something about our culture, huh?

03 Decent teachers. Unfortunately, this does not apply to all my professors/TA's, but a selective few have been extremely helpful in terms of answering questions and giving good pointers.

04 Supportive parents. What can I say? They wake up at 6:30 AM with me almost every morning. The madre insists on making nutritious breakfasts when I say toast and scrambled eggs will do, and the Pops always drops me off at the station. Sometimes on the drive over, we talk about things we've been learning and other times, he'll pray for me and the day ahead. Oh, how I treasure the times so.

05 Good fellowship. Good is probably understated but anything beyond that sounds kind of insincere, so I'll stick with it. Something I've always looked forward to in college was finding a fellowship to be a part of. Safe to say, I've found mine. They dig deep and ask the hard questions. And to me, that's gold. Tuesday nights are the highlights of my week.

06 S&S for hosting me in their lovely abode nearly every week. They have been so gracious to me in every way and I can't thank them enough. Also, shoutout to a the lovely people that have offered me places to crash whenever I need it. Means the world to me.

07 New and old friends alike. I've met so many new faces (as well as bumped into a few old ones) this past month, I'm surprised I actually remember names. It's been real good though.

08 My homeschooling experience. I feel like being homeschooled has helped me in the area of discipline, something that I've noticed a lot of my classmates are having trouble with. (Hey Pops, if you're reading this, I told you doing work in my PJs wasn't a bad idea!)

09 Starbucks. I don't know what it is about overpriced lattes but I crave them constantly.

10 The bus system at school. Okay, who am I kidding... I must say though, if you've ever wanted to experience a miracle, head on over to any bus stop on campus within meal hours. Watch in amazement and horror as 70+ college kids in all shapes and sizes attempt to fit into a tiny bus. It never ceases to amaze me. Every. Single. Time.

So those are my ten. You better be counting yours. I promise I'll be back soon. But for now, I'm gonna go stick my nose between a few textbooks and hope to God that the knowledge gets transferred into this noggin' of mine. Hope you guys are having a lovely weekend. xo

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