Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Blurb Edition || I've Got a Potato For a Face

the following blog post includes yucky description of my current condition. it also may or may not make me appear really disgusting, but hey, this and that is life. don't say I didn't warn you..

I've been such a grump these past few days. why is that, you ask? if I had to choose which month was my least favorite, I'd say January. January is composed of goodbyes to brother, break, relaxation, and hello to finals. who has finals right after break?!!11 oh, I know. I do. and not just one, but four, fat, ugly, ones. can you just taste the disgust?

okay, I guess I'm being fairly unreasonable about January. I'll blame it on the potato I have for a face right now. I got my wisdom tooth yanked out Monday. I think my fear of needles are slowly solidifying. I don't know what's worse: watching blood being drawn out of your arm or the dentist sticking a thin, long, pointy, syringe into your mouth. whoever said that getting a shot was nothing but a pinch was obviously lying. (either that or they've been the victims of some serious pinching.) just for the record, when somebody in a scrub tells you it won't hurt, oh ho. IT HURTS.

my mouth hurts. I can't talk, can't eat, can't yawn, can't smile... not to mention, my breath tastes of stitches, blood, and the remnants of what I had for lunch yesterday. combined with the pain, I am in the first stages of an incoming cold. my throat has a dull ache which makes eating a chore--the ultimate foodie nightmare. (why am I constantly sick? I wish I knew. ever since I've gotten back from the overseas trip last year, my tongue has been forever a sickly yellow. that gives you a lovely image, doesn't it? I am so attractive.)

on a different note, I have finished the majority of my college applications! I only have one left now, and I will get to it as soon as they open for Fall 2013. hurray me! I deserve a pat on the back. actually, no, I don't cause I took far longer to complete the apps than any normal human being would've and should have taken.

speaking of colleges, I know this totally makes me sound like a whiny brat, but if somebody asks me where I'm going for college one more time, I just might karate chop them into a taco soup. I'm not going to lie, I am thinking about a particular Asian mother in mind (not mine, obviously,) who upon first meeting me proceeded to ask which schools I had applied to. at first I thought she was just trying to make conversation, but she started peppering me left and right about SAT scores, grades, my intended major, etc. I kindly replied to a few of her questions, but when she asked why the heck I was applying to this particular school and not other ones (coughIvyLeaguescough), I shut my mouth.

the fact that I would never meet her again and the purpose of her inquiry dumbfounded me. why did she even need to know all this? if I had said Harvard today, she probs would've just stopped with the first question. why do these tiger moms only know about Harvard, Yale and every other Ivy League? you'd think they could expand their options a bit more. ugh. I already feel sorry for her kids. no more, please. if I tell you what school I'm going to on my own accord, consider yourself privileged. otherwise, pretty please (with an abundance of cherries on top) stop asking.

yikes, I talk a lot. I suppose this is what happens when I am physically incapable of opening my mouth at the moment. I should go study for finals. til next week. xo.

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