Saturday, October 22, 2011

Fatty Thursday- 10. 22.11

surprise! food post! :O i may or may not have said this before, but as you can see, it's not a thursday today and the post clearly says fatty thursday. i feel like i should just keep the the whole thursday thing going just because i can't really "predict" when i'm going to do a food post anymore and thursday is just kinda sticking with me. ironically, thursdays are my busiest days...hum...alright enough about that, onto the food!

i've been obsessing about a food channel on youtube called sorted. they're a bunch of british guys who make videos aimed for students that "don't have time to cook" or just can't cook...i stumbled upon their burrito video and it reminded me of that time the discipleship group (shoutout to them peeps whom i miss verrry much) at my old church went to moe's and stuffed ourselves with their killer deal for burrito+chips&dip. i forget how much it was, i just remember me and dan (discipleship leader) commenting about how stuffed we were after eating that burrito and that it was an awesome deal.

anyhow, decided to give the burrito a shot to fulfill another craving. consider this my breakfast wrap taken to the whole new level. :)

what do you think? good, no? i didn't take a lot of photos...(again) because by the time i finished making the chili, chopping the ingredients for the guacamole and cooking the meat, i was too hungry. hehe. that always seems to be the's a closer shot...

if you're wondering what i put in there. it's brown rice (recipe calls for white), a black bean chili, sour cream, homemade guacamole, some ground turkey (use ground beef if you try this. waay better) and a little bit of grated cheese. it'll taste like a little bit of heaven. serve with some chips and dip. you'll want to faint after you take just a bite. but don't because by the time you get up your burrito will have most likely been scarfed down by the drooling kid next to you.

wanna make this? check out the boys at sorted right here. and to get the list of ingredients, check out their site over here.  feel free to change up the filling, that's what makes it fun and yummy. if you're not in the mood for burrito perhaps something else on their channel might interest you. they've got tons of stuff to make. just keep in mind their measuring and such is different from ours. shouldn't be too much of a problem if you google the conversions though. enjoy!

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