Monday, April 2, 2012

Treasure Cove: On Repeat [April]

I've been on a Mat Kearney roll lately, haha. his songs are usually a hit or miss for me. the week has been good though. 'scuse the overload, but these are my faves from him. if you don't wanna listen to all of em, at least check out 01 and 03.

01 [Mat Kearney- Ships in the Night] I love love love this song.

02 [Mat Kearney- Runaway] an oldie from the soundtrack of "Soul Surfer". still good.

03 [Mat Kearney- Sooner or Later]

04 [Mat Kearney- Closer to Love] :D

05 [Mat Kearney- Chasing the Light]

06 [Mat Kearney- All I Need] he dedicated this song to his friends who were affected by Hurricane Katrina; it's so beautiful.

now for something OTHER than Mat Kearney...

07 [He Is We- I Wouldn't Mind That (Good Goose Remix)] this is the song I turn up and dance to when nobody's home. forreals. (vid I linked is to a youtuber I'm subbed to and not the complete song. you can download it for free in the description box). the original is pretty good too.

08 [Carly Rae Jepsen- Call Me Maybe Cimorelli cover] :D last week? or maybe the week before, there was an outburst of covers on this song all over my Youtube feed. this one is the best imo so far. ;)

09 [The Afters- Life Is Beautiful] the bridge makes me smile because everything about it rings true.

muchos apologies for posting so little the past few weeks. been dead busy and currently in the middle of midterms. I'm still posting at least once a week, so keep yer eyes peeled. xo

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