EXCITING NEWS. i'm seriously stoked about Christmas for the first time in well, a long time. i even stayed up til the wee hours of morning, cutting and trimming paper templates, accidentally scorching said templates, gagging from steam and smoke, crying a river from sheer horror, feeling relieved that the smoke alarms in the house had been disabled since thanksgiving, and then saving the day...and this was all for putting together a present. despite all that, i was still rather giddy about putting together my Christmas package and sending it to the warm south. i'm telling you, IT'S A BREAKTHROUGH. i can sleep in peace tonight.
if you didn't know by now, i have a fetish for strands of blinking Christmas lights. there's something about them that makes me freeze in place and stare like i've never seen miniature light bulbs before. a conversation between my brother and i was quickly abandoned when i spotted the reflections of the twinkling lights dancing across the hardwood floor. shoving the poor fellow aside, i squealed and slid across the living room in my socked footsies and then proceeded to bust out some extremelyawkward gnarly dance moves.
i also can't wait to slip some presents underneath the tree like a ninja and hide the silly smile on my face when my dear mother looks at pa grape and asks if the gift was from him. pops will shake his head and give her the same clueless look. big brother will shrug with a smirk and say, "huh? oh, santa's elves left it there" and i'll chime in with something along the lines of, "yeah, ray is not THAT thoughtful to get gifts" just kidding bro, don't kill me if you're reading this.
speaking of those sneaky presents, i got practically the majority of my Christmas shopping done and it feels great. ANOTHER BREAKTHROUGH. i need to write a book about all my mindblowing achievements and get it published right away. they'd get snatched up like hot buns in a bakery. honestly, i'm quite satisfied with the turnout of my shopping endeavors. a couple of them were the most creative and well thought out gifts that i had ever made by far. and here i would go and rave all about it, but alas, the some of the dear friends that i got these gifts for actually read my ramblings on here so no can do. however, i will most likely blurb it post-Christmas, yes?
all that aside, what have i been up to? well it's been a lot of this:
if you didn't know by now, i have a fetish for strands of blinking Christmas lights. there's something about them that makes me freeze in place and stare like i've never seen miniature light bulbs before. a conversation between my brother and i was quickly abandoned when i spotted the reflections of the twinkling lights dancing across the hardwood floor. shoving the poor fellow aside, i squealed and slid across the living room in my socked footsies and then proceeded to bust out some extremely
i also can't wait to slip some presents underneath the tree like a ninja and hide the silly smile on my face when my dear mother looks at pa grape and asks if the gift was from him. pops will shake his head and give her the same clueless look. big brother will shrug with a smirk and say, "huh? oh, santa's elves left it there" and i'll chime in with something along the lines of, "yeah, ray is not THAT thoughtful to get gifts" just kidding bro, don't kill me if you're reading this.
speaking of those sneaky presents, i got practically the majority of my Christmas shopping done and it feels great. ANOTHER BREAKTHROUGH. i need to write a book about all my mindblowing achievements and get it published right away. they'd get snatched up like hot buns in a bakery. honestly, i'm quite satisfied with the turnout of my shopping endeavors. a couple of them were the most creative and well thought out gifts that i had ever made by far. and here i would go and rave all about it, but alas, the some of the dear friends that i got these gifts for actually read my ramblings on here so no can do. however, i will most likely blurb it post-Christmas, yes?
all that aside, what have i been up to? well it's been a lot of this:
and by this i do not mean staring at my adorable toesies, i meant more along the lines of sitting around doing nothing. and of course by nothing, i REALLY mean nothing other than sitting in my pjs and playing trine 2 and dead island. its not all fun and games though, still a little studies involved so my brain doesn't freeze and shatter into tiny million pieces comes the new year. no tv shows this time around. taking a nice break from those, but i will say i finished fullmetal alchemist (brotherhood) and it's definitely up on my list of top five best movie/tv show endings, with toy story 3 at number one.
*image snatched from google LOL |
here are my two cents for the holiday season: don't try fighting the crowd if you go with nothing in mind, steal away a quiet moment or two during the hectic-ness of this month because chances are they'll be few with the coming new year, gather your loved ones close and cherish, cherish, cherish, laugh lots, wrap sneaky presents and slip them under the tree ninja-style, bake loads of cute gingerbread men or Christmas cookie of your choice, crank up the oldies station and sing at the top of your lungs to those carols and jingles, dance in your pjs Christmas morning like nobody's business, and last but certainly not least, i hope whoever you are and wherever you are, whether there's five feet of snow piled outside your door or you're basking on the salty coast in shorts and tees, that you have a lovely, lovely day remembering our dear Savior's birth. Merry Christmas!
"Today in the town of David a Savior as been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord." Luke 2:11
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