when i created this blog, it was merely for the fact that i could put down anything i wanted to. journaling has always been fun for me, so the idea of starting a blog seemed to perfectly satisfy the need of me wanting to talk about anything and everything to anybody who bothered to listen. i would like to take a moment to say, this blog was created with the sole intention to be used as an outlet where i could put down anything and everything without caring who reads it. now that i've got that out the way...BLURB TIME. :)
confession: i've been hooked on quite a couple of shows lately. and by lately, i mean the past couple of months. yeah. to say i'm crazy about these shows may just be scratching the surface. first off, let's just make it clear that i am not the type of person that will take up the initiative on a dull, rainy day and go looking for shows to watch out of sheer boredom. no, not at all. what usually happens is my bro calling me over to his comp, and showing me tidbits of some random show he finds interesting. and if i like them too, we end up watching them together. or sometimes on the rare occasion i like them better than he does, i watch a few episodes without him like the great sister i am. hehe. unfortunately many of the shows, i've watched...i never really got around to finishing as you will soon see...
to start you off, the first show i ever remember watching and actually liking must've been avatar: the last airbender. despite the fact that mr. m night shymalan ruined a what-could've-been a potentially amazing movie, my love for the series remains the same. and i totally still think that zuko should've gone with katara. katara+aang=BLEH. never mind, it would've been too cliche for scar boy to get together with water girl, but just admit it, you wished that could've happened too. that was the start of my little tv show obsession...next up, my bro threw me a couple more...house, chuck, battlestar galactica...to name but a few...sadly, i dropped out of house, having only watched a few episodes. don't get me wrong, i love the old guy, but the show, for some odd reason, didn't quite stick with me. i may or not pick it up one day. who knows. on the other hand, chuck, has been one of my all-time favorite shows and still is. i freaking love adam baldwin. there's something about gruff guys with soft spots deep down inside that crack me up. (you know like, tallahassee in zombieland?). however, for somebody that claims to be a big fan of the show, i'm still on season two, because during the time i was watching chuck, my friend also introduced me to the k-drama, pasta. i...sadly never finished that either...yeah. the show wasn't TOO bad, but it got cliche along the way. (all you k-drama fans, don't take it to heart). like seriously, if the guy tells the girl he likes her in ep five or whatever, and there are twenty episodes in all...there's really not much you can do from there...
anywho, while in taiwan, bro and i would stay up to watch couple episodes of battlestar galactica. i wasn't crazy about the show, so eventually i dropped that too. we also watched 24. or tried to. we sat up in the wee hours of morning trying to get the episodes to load. i think we watched five episodes straight before the tension got to us and out of frustration that the ep. was loading too slow, we stopped.
when i got back from taiwan, i attempted to pick up on one tree hill. yes, attempted. i failed to finish that too. only watched the first three seasons i think. or maybe it was two. but can i just say that chad michael murray is quite the heartthrob? ahhh. too bad he left. and also, jamie is like hands-down the cutest kid ever. i'm thinking about picking the show back up and giving it another try, but we'll see. fast forward a month or two, a new show called nikita came out. spy-type show centered around a girl who dropped out of assassin training/school and is now trying to bring it down. throw in kick butt action, lots of tension and plenty of twists and you got a show that had me hooked for all of season one. season two is coming out in a couple of months, so we'll see how that turns out. that was also introduced to me by my bro..
sometime last month, my brother (once again) introduced me to the now cancelled show, firefly. when i asked him what it was about, he said to imagine "cowboys with spaceships that speak poor chinese". that was all it took for me to get hooked. all i have to say is MANN, WHY DID THEY HAVE TO CANCEL THAT SHOW?! it was freaking good. if you've never watched it...well you have to watch it. and i can gladly say that is one of the few shows i actually legit finished with much satisfaction. nathan fillion was awesome. oh and did i mention adam baldwin was in it? playing a gruff but completely loveable tough guy? <swoon> okay, i'm almost done, just hang in there with me. last week, my bro, AGAIN, got me to watch yet another show... the walking dead. it's a fairly new show about..well the walking dead...in another words, ZOMBIES. yeah, i've been having quite a fascination with those things. and in the show, they're pictured quite as sympathetic creatures. imagine that, feeling sorry for zombies. this, coming from a girl who lists zombieland as one of her alltime fave and cheers her brother on like a loser as he guns down hoards of zombies on left4dead. ahem, but enough about my weirdness...i finished the first season and i must say, it was pretty good. can't wait for season two. and finally the most recent show i picked up <drum rollllssss>.... castle! due to my unsatisfactory fulfillment of nathan fillion's wittiness displayed in none other but firefly, i decided to check out the hype about this show. so far so good. the witty banter between him and beckett keep me very amused.
okayy, enough about my tv show blurb. that was awfully long and if you actually just read through all that, i applaud you. for having no life. i'm just kidding. but seriously. on a totally different note, the very first fatty thursday is coming up, and i've already got something planned. woohoo. and i promise i'll try shortening my posts and write more about the important things...like food and craftsy things. now if you'll excuse me, an ep of castle awaits my attention...
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