I'm bad with words, so I'm summing my month up in pictures. Here's part one.
Bro's card. |
What a glorious feeling, I'm happy again. |
Little darlings rockin' their new dresses. |
Bedtime for the little one. |
Lost fair and square to this little man. Moral of the story: buy Marvin Gardens, build three houses on it, put unfortunate players to bankruptcy by making them pay $850 per visit. |
Baby in the middle steals the show with her expression. |
Extreme Room Makeover part two? Maybe. |
Will be back after finals with more photos. Stay tuned and in the meantime, have a lovely week ahead! xo
HAHAHAHAHAHA! my face was still blank but I was shocked and lol'ed in my heart (what an abuse of the word "LOL") at PICTURE NOMBER 2 & ITS' CAPTION HAHAHAHAHA